Monday, January 18, 2010


I love this time of year because there is always a wealth of information on healing, detoxing, exercising....everything we need for a healthy, more vibrant life. I don't look at it in regards to weight loss or New Year's resolutions, but more about lifestyle choices that support our well-being. Whenever I share that I am juicing, I get the rolled eyes or some point of concern. I wanted to share with you what Cherie Calbom wrote in 'Juicing For Life'~ 
"The juice of fresh fruits & vegetables is the richest available food source of vitamins, minerals & enzymes. Usually, you just can't get enough raw fruits & vegetables in a day to nourish your body properly. While this has probably always been true, it is especially true today, when you need extra nutrients to help your body detoxify a large amount of environmental toxins. 

Juice enables your body to easily assimilate the many valuable nutrients found in food. Enzymes are organic catalysts that increase the rate at which foods are broken down & absorbed by the body. Found in plant foods such as fruits & vegetables, enzymes are destroyed when these foods are cooked. This is why raw produce should constitute at least half of your diet. The quick & easy digestion of these food, made possible by the enzymes, will give you greater energy & health. 

Raw fruits & vegetables are nature's way of giving us life...In fact, once you begin drinking juices on a regular basis, you may not need vitamin & mineral supplements. I like to call these drinks 'vitamin & mineral cocktails'... 

Sickness or health-the choice is yours. The physical condition you have tomorrow starts with what you do for your body today. It's up to you! I encourage you to choose vibrant health. Eat fiber-rich foods like fruit & vegetable salads, whole grains, & legume dishes made with beans, lentils or split peas. Drink 2-4 glasses of fresh juice daily...Don't give up on eating healthfully even if you don't get immediate results. You can & will feel healthier, with more energy & greater resistance to disease, when you start juicing for life! 

Between 50 & 75% of our diet should be raw food if we are to enjoy optimal health & abundant energy. Leslie & Susannah Kenton, authors of the book 'Raw Energy', state that a "vast quantity of evidence...exists showing that the high-raw diet...can not only reverse the bodily degeneration which accompanies long term illness, but retard the rate at which you age, bring you seemingly boundless energy & even make you feel better emotionally" 
I love her book! The thing I enjoy the most about it, is that she lists 65 disorders from Acne, Allergies, Fatigue, Insomnia, Menopause, Memory Loss, & whole myriad of others. She explains the disorder in a way that you can understand.Then she lists the nutrients that are helpful & the vegetables that contain them. She then follows with some wonderful Juicing Recipes. I have been juicing for 23 years. And it is just now that I am moving into a more raw diet. It hasn't been something I considered before. I realize most people will probably never consider it. 

I share this so that you may decide to change just one thing. Like eliminating junk food or coffee or ice cream. I'm not an advocate for drastic change. If we change one small thing a week, pretty soon our life will be changed...



  1. Hey Ms. Juice are into a whole new look here on the net!!! I love it. I can see the metamorphosis here. Congratulations on your new blog. I will add it to my list so that I can keep up with you. Glad to see you posting!!! Here is to a fantastic year that the old one just didn't know what to do with... Tee hee.


  2. Hey beautiful! It is so good to be back in the blogging world again.
    Funny, after creating this look the other day, I saw yesterday another look I want to use. But still like this one too much. So maybe later or on another blog...
    It makes my heart happy to have you following me ♥ ♥ ♥
